Belief Versus Truth

Belief itself is ultimately everyone’s idol, and the “baggage” we must leave behind to follow Truth, God, Love, as Christ asked of his disciples and those who would follow God.  What we are really called to do is Love – period.  Not believe.  What benefit does belief have? Love, Truth is all that matters, and belief is not Love or Truth. The only way to Love is Love.  The only way to Truth is Truth, not belief. One could believe something with all their heart, but it does not necessarily make it true or factual.  For millennia, humanity believed the world was flat, but that never changed the fact it was always a sphere. As we know, belief in something does not change the reality of what actually is. It only colors our perception of what actually is.

What is belief?  We all have beliefs, whether we like it or not, whether we acknowledge them or not.  We all “believe in a god” of some kind, whether we call it the God of Abraham, the god of money, the god of self, the god of intelligence, etc.  Belief is unavoidable since we all draw conclusions and opinions of things based on our experience.  This is belief. We cannot not believe.  It is what the mind does.  However, when looking at the history of religious wars, and current conflicts, listening to apocalyptic preachers and others’ opinions, it is clear most of us spend much of our time identifying with these beliefs, trying to get other people to either see our point of view – to believe as we do, or at least live in the silent or not-so-silent hope others will eventually “come around” to see our “truth.”  Identifying with our beliefs and prejudices is true “original sin,” which came into being when we ate the apple – the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge when we evolved into an animal whose intelligence could measure change, create time, and therefore have the capacity to sin through our identification with our self-created beliefs and prejudices.  Our choice to either identify with them or follow Truth is the classic human problem of choosing good or evil.  We may think our beliefs are “truth,” but what is our “truth” really?  It is nothing more than a belief, yes?  And belief is nothing more than a conclusion based on experience and knowledge one has gained.  Since all of our knowledge is always limited and incomplete, as it is impossible to know everything about anything, then all beliefs, whether we label them “good” or “bad” are ultimately inaccurate and therefore not true, and more to the point – not Truth.

Truth is not about fighting over which religion or belief is “right,” but about being aware of the snare of belief itself, and resolving to not identify with it.  Only in that is there true freedom as all else is slavery.  Truth always lies outside the known of “good and evil,” “right and wrong,” “believing in” one thing or another… the entire dualistic game of Earthly life within time.  God, Truth is beyond all of this.  There is the Goodness of God which is not the opposite of “bad.” It is the True Good which is All Goodness, in which there is no night, but only pure Light without opposite.  As Truth, Love, God has no opposite, no “devil,” nor “Satan,” as the only Reality… the only Truth… is Love itself…

Read more in “The Book”

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