One “Right” Religion?

I have heard several preachers scoff at the idea Ghandi spoke of that all religions can lead to God, to Truth.  It would make sense they would scoff at this since their jobs as ministers for a particular faith depend on one believing their faith is the “right religion,” with all others being “wrong.”  This fight for job security is really a fight for ego-security and the defense of one’s beliefs.  Since ego is the only thing one can defend, then it is clear these preachers are serving themselves, and are about ego, not about God.  The fight over which religion is the “right” one is like an argument over what kind and which color of cup carries the water it contains.  Does it really matter?  Are not all cups which carry the life-giving water valuable?  Why do we fight over which cup carries the water?  Is the cup more valuable than the water?  If you were dying of thirst, would you really care about the cup in which water was carried, or would you drink that same life-giving water no matter what cup carried it?  The obvious answer to this question exposes the silliness of fighting over which religion is “right.” The desire to have the “right cup” is the same as fighting over the “right belief.” Truth transcends this entire game of “right and wrong,” and to find it, we must look beyond this game…to the only place where Truth resides – beyond our beliefs and prejudices.  And the fight is futile anyways because the truth is – there is no “right” cup.  All can carry the life-giving water, just as all can fall short of carrying that water.

In every religious tradition, there are all kinds of lies about God, as well as truth. No religion can claim they are “perfect” in their conception of God because ultimately, all human attempts to measure and describe the immeasurable are failures.  No human conception can ever do justice to the All of Life, Love, God.  When this is firmly understood within every aspect of one’s being, then the fighting stops and true peace and acceptance can take place.  We have thousands of different languages.  Which one is “right?”  Which one is “wrong?”  None, as they simply speak to different cultures through different means, as do different religions. So, when faced with the fact there is so much variety on Earth, why then would there be only one “right” religion with only “one” messenger of Truth?  It is inconsistent with the inclusive and Universal ways of God, Truth, the Oneness of All.  The particulars of these traditions and what they believe do not matter, as all beliefs are not Truth, since they are all conclusions based on limited, incomplete information.  What matters is the only Reality to which they point – Love, Truth, God, the Oneness of All…

Read more in “The Book”

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